Friday, June 21, 2013

one year...

I can't believe it's already been a year since my surgery - while it feels like ages ago, it also feels like it was only a few months ago that I was laying in a hospital bed, slowly getting up, and learning how to walk again.
It's been an incredible journey thus far, and I think it's still just beginning. God has put so many incredible people in my life to help support and love me throughout this journey, and I feel so blessed to have them with me.
I am  grateful for my family who has always had - and will always have - my best interest at heart. I am grateful for my friends who have always accepted and loved me just the way I am. I am grateful for the incredible man God has given me, who will always love and support me no matter what. I am grateful for God and His perfect plan he's created for me, and that I have no control over it (thank the Lord!).
I am grateful. I am loved. I will continue on this journey with those that I love, and with those that love me in return, and I will thank God that I have them by my side every step of the way.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

first time auto-x racer...

Today was my first time driving in auto-x since I took the class last month. I have to admit I was nervous getting behind the wheel again, but I was very happy I did. :) Looking forward to next month!

Friday, June 7, 2013

alex & sarah's wedding...

My dearest and closest friend Sarah got married last weekend to her best friend Alex, and I couldn't be happier for them! They are truly wonderful people who I'm so blessed to know. :)

I'm so incredibly happy for you both! I can't wait to see where God takes you in life. :)