Sunday, February 27, 2011

the little puppies...

...can you feel the love? :)
~Here's my song of the week ~

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

brittany's special day...

I promised my friend Brittany that I would take her on a "girl's day" as her Christmas present, but we weren't able to have it until yesterday (school kinda gets in the way of that). So, when I knew we were going to be able to hang out, I began plotting and planning what would become one of the most epic, surprising, fun-filled total make-over day!
First, my friend Holly and I took Brittany to Salon Lux to get her hair done, then to Sephora for her makeup, then Ross to get her some new clothes. Once the make-over was complete, we headed over to the creek for a photo shoot...SO fun!! It was my first photo shoot with my new camera, and I have to say, I'm super proud of how the pics came out. She looks absolutely gorgeous.
Next, we went over to Big Sky for some late lunch, then over to my house to end the day by watching a couple episodes of Psych. Overall, a wonderful day. The best part of the whole thing: Brittany had NO idea what we were doing. It was all a huge surprise! I love surprises.
Brittany, you look amazing, and I'm so happy for you. Love you girl!! :)

Saturday, February 19, 2011

i love my baby...

...she's just too darn adorable.
~Here's my song of the day~

Friday, February 18, 2011

lots of hair (and rain!)...

I just got the Tangled soundtrack from the library today...such a CUTE movie. I can't stand it. If you haven't seen it, you need to. The DVD comes out March 29th. Get onto Amazon and pre-order it now.
I think I cried about 3 times throughout the movie (especially at the end...oh my gosh). Well, I cry at pretty much any movie now -- besides action, of course. But seriously, this one gets to you. It's just so cute and adorable and sweet and funny and...and...GAH!
Anyways, it's been SUPER rainy and windy here the past couple of days, and I'm loving it! It finally feels like winter! The only problem: it gives me no excuses not to do my homework. I have to do it. So, that's what I will be doing most (if not all) day tomorrow. Oh well, at least I can listen to some Disney music. :)

Thursday, February 17, 2011

a treasure troll...

I've been organizing my room like CRAZY these past couple of days...I don't really know why...maybe because I've had a lot of extra time on my hands (something I haven't had for a very long time). Anyways, while I was cleaning out one of my vanity drawers, I found an old Olympus my Mom had given me back when I just had an old kid's film point and shoot (ah, film). This is a film also, but it has a retractable lens (fancy)! It still has a roll of film in it!...I wonder where I could get it developed? Funny, who knew after years of having an Olympus and not even knowing it, I buy a brand new one all on my own...that's cool. :)
I feel like I've found an amazing treasure. The camera alone brings back so many wonderful memories. I can't wait to see what memories are on that roll!
As I continue to clean and re-organize -- and as I continue to venture deeper and deeper into the forgotten abyss of my room (ergo, the closet *gasp*) -- I find more and more treasures. I can't wait to discover what's inside the boxes in our garage! But it will be a while till we get in there (probably right before I go to college). So, for now, I'm just looking forward to what awaits me in my aby-...I mean, closet. :)

Monday, February 14, 2011

la vie en rose...

This is one of my fave love songs. Originally performed by Edith Piaf, it is a beautiful French love song that always makes me think of France and baguettes and espresso and all that other good French food. Perfect for Valentine's Day!
Just in case you would like to know what she's saying, here's an English translation of the song. The lyrics are so beautiful. "It’s he for me and I for him, throughout life,
He has told me, he has sworn to me, for life." Such devotion. Such happiness. Gotta love it.

v-day project [flower pot]...

At my last piano workshop, we painted some pots and planted some flowers. I decided to make mine a Valentine's Day gift for my Mom (she LOVES to plant flowers, so I thought it was suiting gift :). After I painted the pot and base, I sanded them down with some fine sandpaper to give them an aged look. Then I painted on the swirly heart...I think everything turned out really well! I almost kept it for myself, I love it so much. But hey, I can always make another one. :)

Sunday, February 13, 2011

relax and re-organize...

I've been SUPER crazy the past couple of days with Valentine's Day parties, a sleep over, homework, and lots of random things thrown in between! But today was a nice change. Today, I went to church (the usual), had lunch with the fam (same as always), and then did something I hadn't done in a while: RELAXED! It felt SO nice!
Now, my relaxing can sometimes be a little different than some people's. Like today, I "relaxed" by re-organizing my desk and side drawers full of my craft supplies, then I made a few necklaces. Sometimes, having that feeling of accomplishment after a big project makes me feel WAY better than just sitting in front of a TV or computer screen.
I feel like I've re-organized so much recently, and yet, I know I still have a long way to go before my whole room is done. A lot of it is really old stuff from when I was a kid. I want to keep all of it, I just don't want it in my room. The solution: storage bins. The problem: not enough mula to buy a lot of them. See, I have this plan of taking a weekend, going through ALL of my stuff in my room (including my closet), setting aside stuff for: 1) college 2) kid storage stuff 3) current stuff to keep in my room. Now I just need to actually pick a weekend when I don't have homework or other plans so that I can actually get everything done...not an easy task.
Oh well, I'll get it done someday. In the mean time, I don't mind my "organized chaos." I embrace it. :)

PS, I have a project I did for V-Day that I would have posted today, but Picnik has been freaky lately. Hopefully it will work by tomorrow so that I can post a few pics. If not, I can just post the originals...I just like the fancy-shmancy edits. :)

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

bath time...

...yes, we do love you more when you don't smell.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

owl necklace = [love]...

I found this ADORABLE owl necklace at Forever 21 yesterday...SO cute!! Sadly, the clock is fake...but at $1.50, I couldn't resist! You can find it here. It's a little pricier, but they're out of stock on the main F21 site. So if you love it, you should get it. Unless you live close to F21, then check out the store first!

The weather here today was absolutely amazing. My guess? about 76 here in Los Osos...76?...In the winter?? Crazy! But hey, I'm not complaining. :)

Saturday, February 5, 2011

plans to be made...

I FINALLY got my long-awaited daily planner! I've been meaning to get one for about 2 months now, and I just haven't had the time to go...until just the other day! It's a Moleskin daily planner with a calendar, diary, world sizes and area codes, and more! It's great! I highly recommend their products (I also have one of their journals). Sleek, classic, and timeless...LOVE! Plus, I got it on sale for $5...yay!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

jewelry tree...

My friend Holly made me a jewelry tree for Christmas, and I LOVE it! I had originally just had a bunch of my "most worn" jewelry in a little dish on my desk. Now I have an amazingly unique, vintage copper wire tree with an aqua blue base (complete with a pull-out drawer!) that holds all of my LLD necklaces and other cute, and such a neat idea! I love crafty people...they make awesome Christmas gifts. :)

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

lovely lunch...

I was able to get off of campus for lunch today (I had about 2 hours between classes). So I met up with my friend Ellie at Sushi Kokku. I had never been there, but Ellie raved about it, so we just had to go there...and it was really good! I had a spicy yellow tail roll. Not very spicy, which was perfect for me! It was a little pricey ($8.50 for a roll and drink), but pretty tasty all around. :)
I found it kinda odd that they had a vintage chandelier in a sushi shop, but hey, it was pretty!