Tuesday, November 30, 2010

pompla does hyundai!...

Pomplamoose does it again! This time, for some Hyundai commercials (here's one of them)! I'm so proud of them, even though they have no idea who I am. :)

Sunday, November 28, 2010

christmas lights!...

My padre and I just put up our Christmas lights today, which means it's already time to start thinking about Christmas!...Crazy!! I'm actually pretty proud of myself: I got A LOT of my shopping done already! I'm usually one of those people who waits until about a week before, then runs out to buy everybody's gift at the last second. Well, not this year! I'm making a list and checking it A BUNCH of times. I've already checked off who's naughty or nice. So...who's ready for Santa?

Friday, November 26, 2010

a little ambitious...

I think this chipmunk has bitten off a little more than he can chew.

Thursday, November 25, 2010


May you be reminded of and thankful for all of the wonderful things God has given you this Thanksgiving and always.

"Let the word of Christ richly dwell within you, with all wisdom teaching and admonishing one another with psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with thankfulness in your hearts to God." ~ Colossians 3:16

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

j + d...

... = one good season of dancing. :)
Here's my fave dance they did.
I love Argentine tango, especially when Derek dances it...he's a stud.

Sunday, November 21, 2010


I had discovered this adorable musical couple with Sarah a while back, and I had completely forgotten about them! Well, never again. I will definitely be getting their songs onto my iPod. :) Being a big Piaf fan, this one is my fave, so far.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

AB at MBA! YAY!...

I just discovered that Alton Brown is going to be at MBA again next year for their annual Cooking for Solutions event!!...and now that I have a job, that means I can go again!! YAY!!!! I've decided that it will be my Christmas gift to me. :)
I think AB is my fave chef just because he has the most animated, fun, and creative personality that I've ever seen on TV (except for Bill Nye the Science Guy, but he didn't cook). Like this vid (part 2 here). I mean, who would ever think about making a spoof on Sweeny Todd into a meat pie episode on a TV cooking show! Genius. Pure Genius.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

the babies...

Yep, they're pretty adorable. :)
If I'm having a bad day, this video always makes me smile (so do my babies).
Puppies do that...make me smile. They're just too darn adorable!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

may i present, my new boots!...

I FINALLY got my boots in the mail...and they fit PERFECTLY!! I'm SO happy!! Bring on the rain!! :D Since i got out the tri-pod for some shots, I decided to make it a little photo shoot. Just for fun. :)
I can't wait for the REAL Fall weather to start! I love the cool air and the smell of cinnamon and fire and pumpkin and...and...everything!! :)

Sunday, November 7, 2010

all i want to do...

I don't know about you, but when I'm sick, all I want to do is watch Whose Line vids...like this one.

Friday, November 5, 2010

how to train your dragon...

Alright, I admit. This movie is pretty darn good...REALLY good, actually. I'm not all that sure why I didn't want to see it for the longest time?...Wait, I know why. It was because everyone was shoving it in my face saying, "Lauren! You HAVE to see this movie!! It's AWESOME!!" Ya know, I was thinking about seeing it, then you started forcing it at me with everything you've got, so you turned me off of it. Is it just me, or do you feel put off when people try to make you watch popular movies or read popular book series?...I don't know, it's probably just me.
Anywho, if you haven't already, I highly recommend seeing this movie (I'm not forcing you, it's just a suggestion). I was pleasantly surprised. Oh, if you're able to, try watching it in Blueray...it's definitely the best. :)

Thursday, November 4, 2010

catching up...

So, remember those great boots that I wanted oh so badly? Well, I ordered them (yay!) and they were shipped Monday (double yay!), so they should be here any day now! :D
My Dad and I went over to the UO store in SLO on Sunday to look at the heels. We went in, and there they were, in the same spot as last time, calling to me, "Buuuy meeee!..." We rushed over and tries to find my size. They didn't have a 7 in the all black, but they did have it in the white and black (same shoe, different color). So I tried those on; a little too big. I tried on the size 6; a little too small. I asked the sales girl if they came in a 6.5. She ended up calling another store (which took about 15min) to see if they had the size. They didn't. She then proceeded to call the online store, and asked them if they had the heels. Turns out, they don't make that shoe in a 6.5. They make them in 6, 7, 7.5, 8, 8.5, and so on...they SKIPPED 6.5!! Of course, my dream heels don't come in my size...sad day.
It's funny when you look back at it, 'cause you can totally see God looking at you, laughing. Which makes me laugh too (did you know that God's laugh is contagious? Seriously, try not laughing when you know He's laughing up there). Of course, I get an email after the fiasco that reads, "20% BOOTS AND SHOES"...keep laughing, God. Keep laughing...lol.

On another note, my week has been INSANE with homework. It's a little past 1/2 of the semester (crazy!), so all of the teachers are trying to catch up by giving us huge homework assignments right before huge tests...it's huge. I just finished 1/3 of my research paper last night...it's not that good, but it's not that bad either (I'm hoping for low B). I'm a little freaked out about the MLA citation stuff, since my teacher said she's going to take off a letter grade if we have a mistake this first paper (she said even a period in the wrong spot is a mistake...crap). Then I have an ASL presentation today (which I barely had time to study for), then a math test on Monday...oh the joys of cramming for multiple tests in the same week. I think I've been in my room on the computer doing homework most of the week. I'm ready for a break. Can't wait for next Monday to be over!This is my keyboard that I have been staring at over the last week...Hey, I had to take a pic of something!

I'm super proud of myself: I have a lot of my Christmas shopping done already!! An all time personal record! Places are having great sales right now, so I've just been stocking up! Now I just need to find a good place to hide them. :)