Thursday, September 30, 2010

dandy day...

I finally got a pic of a dandelion!! I've been trying for a couple weeks now to get a pic of one of the dandelions in our yard, but every time I'd see one, the dog would run right through it (annoying)! So I FINALLY found one that hadn't been trampled, and the pic turned out really well (I'm pretty proud)!! They're so soft and delicate, I love how the picture just naturally softens my mood. :)

So, I'm not much of a fan of packing (although, I hate unpacking even more), so when I should be packing (like right now), I'm on Facebook, or my blog, or any other site that doesn't have anything to do with the subject of packing. Good news: I found a really cute shirt at Forever 21 today that I'm going to wear to the rehearsal dinner tomorrow (yay)! Sadly, I didn't find any of the items I was searching for...Oh well, at least I got the shirt!

OK, so I'm going to get back to my packing (joy). I will be taking my computer along with me, so I should have a few pics of the wedding up by Sunday evening, at the latest...that's the plan, anyway. :)

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

busy busy weekends...

So, I have a pretty busy weekend ahead (actually, every weekend in October is SUPER busy). On Friday, my Dad and I are heading straight from school up to Santa Rosa for a friend's wedding. The wedding isn't until Saturday afternoon/evening, but we're going to the rehearsal dinner on Friday, then the wedding on Saturday, then heading home Sunday. Our school is having "flex days" (no class) Thursday and Friday (yay!), but that means I have a test and multiple assignments crammed into those three days (boo!). So, my plan is to write my essay on Saturday before the wedding...chances of that actually happening are pretty much slim to none (I have such faith in myself). Oh well, we'll just have to wait and see.

My other weekends in October include: job shadow at MBA, going to...wait for it...THE PRICE IS RIGHT for my birthday (more on that later), and possibly going with some friends down south for halloween (might not be able to go due to work...we'll see). Some super fun weekends ahead!!

Friday, September 24, 2010

shadowing at mba!...

So, I had told you in the previous posts that I would possibly be able to meet up with someone from the husbandry team at MBA...well, I just got an email today CONFIRMING it!! So, on October 9th, 8:00AM, I will meet up with Nikki, the Otter Aquarist (awesome title) whom I will "shadow" for the day, and experience what it's like to be an Otter Aquarist!!...Doesn't that sounds like THE coolest day EVER?!...Well, to me it does.

I'm still debating whether or not to leave my house at 5:30AM and drive up there in one day, or if I should go up the night before (I'm leaning towards the latter). Oh Well, doesn't matter. I'm just super stoked that I even get to HAVE this experience in the first place!! I keep wanting to squeal...*squeal!!* there we go. :)

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

up & over it...

So, you need to watch this video...too cool.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

photo challenge!...

Simplicity is having her weekly photo challenge! This week's theme: water! Click here to see all the entries!!

i {love} pictures...

I LOVE taking pictures, and I LOVE editing pictures too (if not more so)! I get super excited when I take a pic, and think, "Ah! This will look super cool with (this) setting!" I love photography...period.

"Sometimes I do get to places just when God's ready to have somebody click the shutter." ~ Ansel Adams

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

new computer!!...

So, as you can see, my computer came a whole day early!! WHOO!!!! I've been a SUPER fun time with it!! I still need to put all my pics and music on it (and set up some of the technical stuff), but otherwise, I'm all set! I forgot to order a cable to hook up the computer to the TV, so I'll have to do that soon so that I can watch Avatar on Blue-Ray! :D OK, I better go to bed. Lots going on tomorrow (all good stuff, but still, a lot). Oh, did I mention how much I love web-cams?

Monday, September 13, 2010

how art works...

I always knew I could be an artist! Thanks dude...

Saturday, September 11, 2010

a little homework problem...

I like these cartoons from this dude. I shall be posting more in the days to come. :)

So, I've been thinking about this homework situation I have had ALL day, so I'm just going to talk about it a little bit to put my mind at ease. OK? OK.

For my ASL (American Sign Language) class, we have homework (duh). The problem? It's "study buddy" homework. Which means I have to:

1) Find a "buddy"...check!
2) Buy the book and DVD...not check!
3) Set up a set day and time that I can do homework with my "buddy" every week (yeah, this is a semester-long deal here)...definitely not check.

Problem with step (2): The book store's only open Mon-Fri, and the homework's due "buddy" and I have work and school Mon and before class Tues. Which means, I will probably have to just make this assignment up, or not hand it in (I will most likely just make it up).

PLUS, I have to so a self-evaluation of my ASL presentation I did last week, which is only available in the Cuesta library, which isn't open on Sundays, so I'll have to do it between school and work on Monday, so I probably won't be able to eat lunch (cause I'll have to buy the book then too), so then I'll be all hungry and out of it at work, which means my work efficiency will suffer, which means I'll get fired, then I'll have no money and living out on the street in dept up to my eyeballs with un-paid school loans!.....All because of homework!!!

OK, maybe it won't be THAT bad, but you get the picture: I don't like homework. Hopefully, after my computer gets here (if it ever gets here), my "buddy" and I can do homework via Skype, or something (I have no idea how the homework works...ha). Did I mention we're having some minor issues with the whole computer thing? So, we order the thing (yay!), the company takes the money out of the account, then - get this - the money suddenly re-appears in the bounced. Even though we had money in there (I took it out of my bank myself!). So now we're going to have to call and see what's up. Oy, such a stressful week.

I have been looking at my friend's pics on his blog, and I think, "My gosh, I want that camera!" Even though, when I get a new camera (which won't be for a long time, sadly), I'm going to get an Olympus (his is a Cannon). I need to get back out and take some pics again. I definitely feel like it helps me un-wind and de-stress my life; at least for those few moments, anyway.

OK, I've typed enough. I'm going to bed now to get some sleep. I'm giving myself 10 hours to sleep tonight!! Yay!! Can't wait! :)

Monday, September 6, 2010


Ever since school started, I have been noticing myself slooowly start to fade (in energy, that is). I stopped to think about it, and I realized: I haven't been getting nearly enough sleep for how much stuff I do! When I'm awake, I'm at school. When I'm not at school, I'm at work. If I'm not at work, I'm doing homework. If I'm not doing homework, I'm at other appointments/engagements I've committed myself to...and this is all separate from my social life (I have to at least have a little one of those). It's funny, because I usually think, "Gosh, I'm WAY too busy." But then, when I don't have anything to do, I think, "Gosh, I'm SO lazy."...there's never a happy medium for me! I need to find that medium soon, or else I'm going to need A LOT more 3 day weekends. :)

I think the best way to start the search for my happy medium is SLEEP...LOTS of sleep. I definitely need to plan ahead a little more, and try to plan on how much sleep I need, and when I need to go to bed so that I can get ALL the hours REALLY I need (not just the hours I THINK I need). For example: if I have to get up an hour earlier than usual, go to bed an hour earlier the night before...simple, right? I want to start eating healthier and taking vitamins too (I can definitely tell the difference when I do). Simple things can make the biggest deference...oy, now I'm starting to sound like a weight loss ad.

Side note: I FINALLY ORDERED MY NEW COMPUTER!!!! :D ...can ya tell I'm a little excited?...nah. :) It should be delivered to my house within the next week (7 business days) or so...dude, I CAN'T wait!! SO stoked. Definitely made my holiday weekend. Hooray for holiday sales!! :)

Thursday, September 2, 2010

aquarium update...

Last weekend, my Dad and I went up to see the new Hot Pink Flamingos exhibit at MBA...on the whole: a disappointment. It was very political, telling us that we're destroying the planet unless we make drastic changes...I don't know about you, but I still plan on using my microwave and washer.

On the bright side, the animals were pretty cool! They had more penguins, jellyfish, and tropical fish than the last exhibit. They even had turtles (cute)!!...BABY turtles (double cute)!! Unfortunately, I couldn't get a good pic of the adorable turtles (except for that ONE in the collage). I definitely have an electronic wish list going, which will hopefully get a little bit shorter pretty soon (I hope to order my computer within the next week or so).

I emailed a friend from MBA recently, and he has offered to set up a behind-the-scenes tour for me at MBA, PLUS getting to meet some people from the husbandry and education teams!! SUPER stoked for that!! All I need to do is get a set date down, and he'll set it up for me! How cool is that?...Pretty cool. :)