Sunday, June 26, 2011

i'm on a horse...

I love the Old Spice commercials. They're seriously the best commercials I've ever seen. Sadly, I don't have a song of the week this week (I was late last week so it's thrown me all off, haha), so this week Isaiah will be the star. My fave commercial? Definitely the first. "Look at your man, now back to me...I'm on a horse." Classic.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

stuck on what? {sotw}...

Well, it's time. Time to talk about The King. At first, I HATED Elvis Presley, seriously hated him. His voice was just so annoying. The songs? Don't get me started. His hair? Really?
Then I heard some of his earlier songs (something besides his gospel tracks). They kinda grew on me. Then my sister bought my Mom the ultimate Elvis CD. That's when it happened: I liked Elvis Presley. My Mom had finally turned me to the dark, greased-hair side. His songs make me think of summer, and fun, and Lilo & Stitch (HA!).
So, since it's summer, and I've been having fun, naturally Elvis is one of the main artists I'm listening to on my iPod right now. I have a few main faves, but I've been playing Stuck On You a ton lately. No idea why, I just am, haha.
So, my SOTW: Stuck On You, by Elvis Presley.

sweet 16 surprise...

My good friend Holly turned 16 on Saturday, so a few friends and I planned a sweet 16 surprise party for was definitely a success. We all had a great time! Sadly, due to the weather, we had to move the party inside (it was only about 60 degrees outside...too cold for a party), so the pictures have horrible lighting. At least everyone was warm! :)
Here are a few photos from the party...

Smoked salmon pizzette...SUPER yummy, if I do say so myself. :)

I took SO many flower pictures, I just decided to make a collage...way easier to upload. :)
This weekend was SUPER busy for me, and now I have a long break before any big plans or trips. Yesterday, I watched TV...all day. Pretty sad. But then I reassured myself by saying that I haven't had one day to just sit for a while, so I deserved it after my big, long weekend (excuses, excuses).
It's just starting to warm up here, so now I'll be able to plan beach days (my fave)! Can't wait. :)

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

flap jacks...

I was watching Drew Carey's Improv-A-Ganza last night, and this game made me cry, I was laughing so hard...if you need a pick-me-up, watch it. Oh my gosh, it's too funny.
"Flippity-flap, flippity-flap, flippity-flap, flip-"
LOL :)

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

chocolate & random updates...

I found Ghiradelli Double Chocolate brownie mix for half price at Von's today...I'm one happy gal. :)
I also got my Adele CD from the library...11 songs for 50cents...who needs iTunes. My fave song right now? Make You Feel My Love. It's a good song to sway back and forth to.
Oh! I almost forgot to tell you! My new heels are HERE!!!...and they FIT!! YAY!!! I'm going to wear them at the party, so I'll definitely get a few shots of them for you all. :)

Monday, June 13, 2011

where's my man?...

I watched 27 Dresses tonight. I watched Definitely, Maybe last night. You know what I've discovered? Romantic comedies, the movies that I used to love to bits, make me depressed. Hands down, the worst stuff to watch when you're single. The happy endings? Again, worst thing ever. I start to think, "Hey, where's the guy who should be snuggling next to me while I make him watch this chick flick? Oh wait, I don't have one. *Sigh*" Then I think, "Lauren, you're so pathetic." Then I laugh and my family's like, "What are you laughing at?" My oh my, I'm an odd duck.
Then, the thought occurred to me, "You know what, I'm not so pathetic. I'll get married one day. These feelings are normal. Heck, back in the Bible, girls were married at 13, so of course I want a dude! I'm gettin' old here! I'm almost 19! *Gasp*!"
God gave us a longing for a second half. It's one of the most natural things we will ever feel: longing. Ladies, you know what I'm talking about. It's that little feeling in your chest when you watch the dude lean in for a kiss in that fave romantic movie of yours, or when you see two people madly in love kiss for the first time as husband and wife. That little feeling is longing. We crave that moment. That moment of pure joy and love, knowing that we are loved and cherished by someone else besides your dog (no offense, Rebecca).
God gave us that emotion and craving, but not only for a husband: for Him. Before we crave an earthly man, we must crave our Heavenly Father; He is, after all, the Bridegroom in this story.
We must find our satisfaction in His love, and not go searching for it in a perfect guy who doesn't exist. I must find my satisfaction in His love, and not go searching for it in a perfect guy who doesn't exist. This is a huge challenge for me right now, and I know it is for a lot of other ladies out there, too. If I don't have a strong, fruitful, loving relationship with my Heavenly Father -- my Bridegroom -- then how on earth would I ever have a good relationship with a dude? Answer: I wouldn't. It's not possible.
Relationships -- marriages -- are built around God, not your relationship with God is based on your marriage; this is very easy to flip around. Many women find their acceptance in their husbands. This leads to very stressed, over-ambitious wives who over analyze everything their husbands might say (I feel so bad for those dudes). We must have a good relationship with God first (see? I made it bold...this is important).
Now, I could go on and on, but I want to get some sleep (I could probably write a book about this I can talk that much, haha). Long story short, my life should go in this order: God, People, Me. God's and my relationship is number one. Without it, I won't have any healthy relationship with any man, especially my future husband...if he ever shows up. ;)
* * *
Side note, I read When God Writes Your Love Story back in 9th grade, and I loved it. Of course, it wasn't too applicable then, but it most definitely is now. It's a super quick, fun read, and -- again -- so applicable. I highly recommend it.

hospital (update)...

We heard from Grandma's surgeon today, and they've postponed the surgery because she's had a positive reaction to the antibiotics, and now she'll hopefully only have to have one surgery instead of two...see? Who says God doesn't listen. He's always there. Always listens. Always answers. I'm so happy and blessed. Thank You, God. Thank You. :)

Sunday, June 12, 2011

tango? where? {sotw}...

Even though it is one of my sister's fave movies, I have still yet to see Moulin Rouge. That, along with Pride and Prejudice, Les Miserables, and other romance classics (hey, my Netflix is full. I'm working on it), but that's beside the point. Even though I haven't seen the movie, I love the soundtrack. I especially love El Tango de Roxanne (I think everyone does, haha). Debi Mazi danced a tango to the song on DWTS a few seasons ago, but again, that's beside the point. The song is so full, powerful, and emotional. A perfect tango track. Which is why it's my song of the week this week!...I love it so much, I might just have to watch the movie. :)
My SOTW: El Tango de Roxanne, from Moulin Rouge.

hospitals (oh joy)...

My Dad and I went up to San Jose yesterday to visit my Grandma (she's in the hospital with Diverticulitis). It's always good to see Grandma, but it's never good to see her in the hospital...I never like seeing anyone in the hospital, for that matter, haha. My parents are both nurses, so people always ask me if I want to have some sort of career in the medical field. My answer: most definitely not. Hospitals smell weird, and have nasty food, and no natural lighting...overall, I'm not a fan. No offense Mom and Dad. :)
My Dad will be going back up North on Tuesday to be with my Grandma after her surgery, so she will most definitely be on my heart and in my prayers for the next few weeks. I know that God definitely has a plan but, of course, I'm going to worry. I just have to trust Him.
God always brings Jeremiah 29:11-12 to me when I get worried or nervous.
"'For I know the plans that I have for you,’ declares the LORD, ‘plans for welfare and not for calamity to give you a future and a hope. Then you will call upon Me and come and pray to Me, and I will listen to you."
I love verse 12: "Then you will call upon Me and some and pray to Me, and I will listen to you." It's so reassuring. He WILL listen. He WILL answer. So comforting. I love it.
* * *
I decided to post a few vintage pics of hospitals, ya know, cause I always post pics...don't worry, I'd never leave ya hanging. :)
Christmas time!
Lovin' the patient's handlebar mustache...classy.
Some nurses...they all look very similar...I think it's the hair.
My fave: cigarette vendor. What service.

Friday, June 10, 2011

shirts, shirts, & more shirts...

I've been ordering SO many shirts from Shirt.Woot lately. I now have 6 Woot's ridiculous. But they're SO easy to order! $10 flat (so cheap), no shipping (amazing), and once you make an account, they save your info for easier ordering (evil). Overall, it's so user friendly that it makes it stupidly easy to order a shirt. My latest buy? The pic above: "In the Library, with the Wrench." Totally awesome. I HAD to get it. What do you mean? I don't have a problem!...OK, I do. But you've got to admit, they're pretty awesome.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

flash mobs...

I love flash mobs. They're too cool. Especially when there are a ton of people this one.

Monday, June 6, 2011

little black heels...

I'm very excited to announce the purchase of my new black heels!! The Kimichi Blue Perforated Suede Heels from UO. I had a very old gift card for UO, and I've been wondering what to buy for a while now...until today! These were on sale for $50, REALLY pricey for me, but I think they're worth it -- I feel OK spending a little more money for shoes (they're an investment). I've been wanting some t-straps for a long time, but I didn't want anything too "mary jane"-like. These have the peep toe which I LOVE, plus all of the detail in the suede makes these one awesome pair of shoes. I will be wearing them with forest green tights at the sweet 16 tea party...I'm excited. :)

Sunday, June 5, 2011

rebirthing {sotw}...

Skillet is definitely one of my fave rock bands. Now, I don't know how many people have said, "Really, Lauren? YOU like rock?" To their astonishment, I simply respond, "...Yep!" It's true. Little piano-playing Lauren likes Skillet, Breaking Benjamin, Evanescence, some Red (a little too screamo at times), and many more. Do I listen to it blasting on my radio nonstop? Of course not. But when you've been listening to classical, contemporary, jazz, or any sort of slower-paced music for HOURS on end, you begin to long for that awesome drum solo/electric guitar solo.
I also find that I like Christian rock more than a lot of the contemporary music out K-Love. I'm sorry, K-Lovers. I can't stand your music. Too much Phillips, Craig and Dean (not saying their songs are bad, just not my thing).
One of my all-time fave Skillet classics is Rebirthing. Cello? Awesome! Even the lyrics are great; I think that's why I like Skillet so much - always a good message.
So, my song of the week: Rebirthing, by Skillet.

white collar {excited}...

The new season of White Collar airs THIS Tuesday, and I can't tell you how excited I am. Not only because I get to see Matt Bomer every week (what girl wouldn't be excited about that?), but this season is setting up to be the most exciting, dramatic, and eventful season yet. Usually, I'm not a fan of over-dramatized shows, but I can make an exception with WC. The best thing about the show: I think I have the plot figured out, then they throw another wrench into the mix that totally throws me off...I love that. I love the never-ending suspicion with each character; you never fully know one person. Gah! I'm getting all excited. :)

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

photo shoot {garrett}...

My good friend Garrett asked me to do a photo shoot of him for his mom (he's making a collage for her birthday). Of course, I was super excited (I love friend photo shoots)! We were able to go to multiple locations, which was super nice. I haven't done a photo shoot at a beach before, so this was both fun and a little challenging...I think we met the challenge. :)
Here are a some of the photos we got..

...I think they turned out well.
Thanks for asking me to take these photos, Garrett! I had an awesome time. :)