Monday, January 28, 2013

busy, busy, busy...

Man, it has been a little hectic around here lately! I apologize for the lack of communication. With two moves, traveling to AZ for my Sis' bridal shower, and school starting, the winter break came and went in the blink of an eye...I'm ready for a vacation. :)
So, I believe a brief recap is called for. First, Garrett's birthday was early this month, so we had a wonderful day that started with a yummy waffle buffet breakfast and ended with delicious sushi and a movie. A very lovely day with my man. :)


A very happy birthday boy. :)
The very next day, my Mom, Sis, her fiancé, and I drove to AZ for my Sis' bridal shower. A great time with family and pretty things (the ideal bridal shower)...

A happy event celebrating an even happier one to come!

After a short break, my family moved my Grandmother down from San Jose area to SLO. It's a process that will take about a month to fully complete, but it will settle down soon...we hope.
Just this past weekend, we moved the last of my Grandmother's things and on our way home moved the rest of my things from my apartment in Monterey. Tired doesn't even describe how we all feel right now. Again, I need a vacation.
Thankfully, school has been easy-peasy thus far -- a refreshing change from the chaos that was last semester. I can't wait to take my camera out and expand my photo-knowledge. :)
Job hunting? Still on the hunt. Tomorrow I will be scouring Craigslist, Monster, etc. for jobs. Praying that something turns up soon. I liked that whole "income" thing.
So, in conclusion: I need a vacation. :)

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

i knew you were trouble {sotw}...

This song has been stuck in my head for days now. Thus, it is my SOTW.
I never would've guessed that this was a Taylor Swift song...which is probably why I like it so much. ;)
My SOTW: I Knew You Were Trouble, by Taylor Swift.