Tuesday, November 5, 2013

i'm engaged!...

I've been a little busy lately...getting engaged!! :D I think that's a pretty good excuse for not posting in a while...yeah, sounds good.
With new wedding stuff going on, it's been pretty darn busy around here. School's almost over too - so crazy! I'm so looking forward to Christmas break. I love the holiday season - can't wait!

Monday, September 23, 2013

piped roses...

Well, life's been pretty darn busy lately! All fun things (awesome classes, great job, etc.), but still busy! One class I'm taking is cake decorating - definitely the hardest class, but very rewarding. Those roses are piped frosting - so fun! :)

Monday, August 12, 2013

hunington '13...

It's been two years since I had gone to Lake Hunington with my friends, and let me tell you, I missed it so much! It's such a wonderful time of relaxation and fellowship with friends - definitely a much-needed trip before the semester starts (which is next week!). :)

Friday, July 12, 2013

one perfectly imperfect year...

It has been one year since Garrett and I started dating, and I can say with confidence that it has been the best year of my life. We've been friends for about 5 years, he's been my best guy-friend (if people still use that term) for about 3 years, and now he's been my incredible boyfriend for 1 year. It has been the perfect year. Why? Because it's been imperfect.
At this stage of the relationship, a common question we both get from different people is, "Well, have you guys had a fight?" At first, we didn't really know what to think about the question. When taken out of context, it almost sounds cynical. "Well, if you haven't had one yet, you will! And when you do, you'll see their true nature, and boy you better be prepared!" Insert evil laugh here.
The thing the I love about our relationship is that it's so imperfect that it's real. We started answering these people's questions with "while we've never had a "fight," per se, we've had deep discussions that has left the other person hurt or uneasy/unsure." Some topics have left us uneasy for weeks, but we still talk about it and probe at it -- seeking other's advice when necessary -- until we find a solution to the problem, and when we do, it's the best feeling in the world! Because from that point on, we know how to deal with that problem quickly and easily, with little/no feelings hurt, and if they are, a sincere apology and a kiss are all we need to be able to forgive and move on.
My definition of a perfect relationship: knowing that it is and will forever be imperfect, and knowing that those imperfections draw us closer to each other because they draw us closer to God. Knowing we are flawed, knowing that God is the foundation of our relationship, knowing how much we love, support, and find joy in each other; this is the imperfection that is perfection. The perfect relationship - one that is real.
I can say with confidence that I have the perfect relationship because it's real. Heck, I don't even wear make up around him! How much more real can it get? :)
Thank you, Garrett, for one perfectly imperfectly year. I love you so much, and I can't wait to experience many more years with you. :) Happy Anniversary!

Friday, June 21, 2013

one year...

I can't believe it's already been a year since my surgery - while it feels like ages ago, it also feels like it was only a few months ago that I was laying in a hospital bed, slowly getting up, and learning how to walk again.
It's been an incredible journey thus far, and I think it's still just beginning. God has put so many incredible people in my life to help support and love me throughout this journey, and I feel so blessed to have them with me.
I am  grateful for my family who has always had - and will always have - my best interest at heart. I am grateful for my friends who have always accepted and loved me just the way I am. I am grateful for the incredible man God has given me, who will always love and support me no matter what. I am grateful for God and His perfect plan he's created for me, and that I have no control over it (thank the Lord!).
I am grateful. I am loved. I will continue on this journey with those that I love, and with those that love me in return, and I will thank God that I have them by my side every step of the way.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

first time auto-x racer...

Today was my first time driving in auto-x since I took the class last month. I have to admit I was nervous getting behind the wheel again, but I was very happy I did. :) Looking forward to next month!

Friday, June 7, 2013

alex & sarah's wedding...

My dearest and closest friend Sarah got married last weekend to her best friend Alex, and I couldn't be happier for them! They are truly wonderful people who I'm so blessed to know. :)

I'm so incredibly happy for you both! I can't wait to see where God takes you in life. :)

Thursday, May 30, 2013

spears guest house...

 We're in South Carolina this week for my best friend's wedding (YAY!), and we're having a fabulous time! We arrived on Sunday in Charlotte, drove to Greenville, and now we're in Cheraw (where the wedding will be held). The fiance's mother rented out a B&B house for the wedding party to stay at (we're so grateful!!), and the place is absolute adorable...

I might just have to add more photos later, it's so stinking cute! :)