Thursday, July 26, 2012

curving boredom + sotw...

I keep finding myself sitting in front of Facebook, staring blankly at the never-updating screen, thinking to myself, "...huh, I'm actually bored!"
When you're a full-time college student, you tend to forget this feeling of "boredom" that so many people -- besides you -- seem to experience. Then summer rolls around. Ah, there's that feeling again! It tends to make me nostalgic; I think, "Oh, I've missed having nothing to do!" Then about five minutes later I think, " what?"
So, I've started to make little rules for myself, like "always be reading at least one book" (right now, that's The Problem of Pain -- so good!) or "don't watch more than two hours of TV in one sitting" which actually helps curve my boredom! I get more stuff done -- except for college stuff. I haven't even wanted to start to climb that mountain -- and time seems to go by much faster (a good thing, in this case). Plus, now that I have more energy, I'll find more motivation to update this little bloggy a little more frequently (more than once a month). :)
Also, another thing to help boredom: music. I couldn't live without music. Period.
Right now, I'm going to make a grocery list, so I'm going to whip out my SOTW for you guys...yay!

Friday, July 20, 2012

scrumptious streusel...

Making streusel muffins is serious business...

...but not too serious. :)

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

i'm alive! {plus a sotw}...

Well, it's been a while, hasn't it? :)
Sorry for the complete lack of posts for the, it's seriously been that long?...oops! Well, now that I'm home with a pretty relaxed schedule, I should be able to keep up with the usual posts. :)
How's about a SOTW? Sound good? Good.
I love the band Pomplamoose. Why? First: that name is so fun to say! Second: the couple is just so stinking cute. Third: their music is awesome.
My SOTW this week is a new release from them: Do Not Push - A Gotye Call Me Maybe Mash-up.