Friday, March 26, 2010

ask me anything!...

I just made an account with, and it's actually pretty fun! It's just a little online site where you can anonymously ask people questions, and vice-versa.

So...ask me something! :)

Monday, March 22, 2010

plaskett creek, a.k.a: evelyn's 18th b-day!...

My friends and I went up to Plaskett Creek this weekend for our annual "Evelyn's Birthday Camp-Out"! I had a wonderful time! The weather was a little funky (80 the first day, 60 the second), but I loved it all the more. Happy Birthday Evelyn!! Love ya girlie!! :)

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

quick trip to Monterey...

Dad and I made a quick trip to Monterey after church this past Sunday. Dad met up with his buddies at the auto-cross track in Marina, watched a little rubber-burnin, then it was off to the aquarium. We were able to see the new otter pup, Kitt, for the first time; along with the sunfish (unfortunately, I couldn't get any camera hates water), whom we named Burton...we call him Gus for short. All in all, a very fun day. :)

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

chipotle finally open in slo!...

The new Chipotle FINALLY opened in SLO this past Friday! My friends and I went after church yesterday...oh. my. gosh. I didn't know fast-food burritos could taste SO good (and for a pretty sweet price!)! Totally worth the 20min wait. Can't wait to go back! :)

Saturday, March 6, 2010

quiet time...

I was able to make a quick little trip to Morro Bay today. It was really nice just going alone for a change. Don't get me wrong, I love going with my friends and family; but sometimes, it's just nice to get away. Even if it's only for an hour.

Every time I have the chance to slip away from the craziness that is "my life", I definitely take it. I love being able to just think (sometimes out loud, which then gets people's attention...haha). I tend to think the most when I'm by myself on the beach. I'm not sure why, I just do. I actually remembered to bring my camera along this time! Yay! :) Next time, I'll try to remember my journal, and actually write down my thoughts (I like being able to look back and see what past-thoughts I've had). Maybe I'll share some with you sometime...

Oh! I finally found myself a "heart rock"!! All my friends have found rocks that are in the shape of a heart (A.K.A: a "heart rock"), and I FINALLY found one today! Yay! :)

I hope you get to snag some quiet time for yourself soon. It's a simple blessing God gave me to enjoy...and believe me, I enjoy it...a lot. :)

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

rainy days...

...the sign that says Spring is just around the corner. I can't wait! :)