Tuesday, May 29, 2012

off to LA we go...

Well, my family and I are headed down to LA today for my surgery tomorrow morning...wow, seriously? It's already here? Time seriously flies right by!
I will most likely not be posting anything on this blog for a couple weeks, but I will be keeping everyone updated on my status via my second blog. So follow me on cuisle if you would like to know how everything's going!
I'm praying for my health, my family's health, and the health of the staff who will be taking care of me...I would love some prayer from you as well. :)
See you soon!

Monday, May 21, 2012

my sis is engaged!...

Yep. My Sis is getting married. Still really weird saying it, but these engagement photos help the whole thing sink in a little more. Plus, I still have a year to let it fully sink in. That should be enough time, right?...Right?
Also, I just realized that I never put a photo of Sarah's ring up! *gasp*
So...here ya go!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

goodbye cuesta...

Well, I'm a little sad to say that after 11 semesters, my journey at Cuesta has officially come to an end. I'm so happy that I had the amazing opportunity to be at this school throughout high school and into my actual "college career." It really is a great school with some pretty awesome professors...I think out of all of my classes, there was only one teacher I would NEVER take a class from again (I saw that teacher in a grocery store once and I literally jumped into the other aisle and ran away...yes, ran.). I feel so blessed to have the educational opportunity that I've had over the past 5 1/2 years -- I've learned so much!
I'm so excited to start my new college journey in Monterey, but I would be so incredibly nervous if I hadn't gone to Cuesta first. I mean, I'm going to be nervous, but not "nervous to the point of an emotional breakdown" nervous. So exciting, yet a little nostalgic. Maybe it'll get better once I get that diploma in the mail. :)

Monday, May 14, 2012

too close {sotw}...

I first heard this song on the IE commercial (I keep finding songs from commercials! Ha!), and it immediately sparked my interest. Mr. Clare sounds like...a male version of FATM, which makes him pretty awesome, I must say. Plus, a red head?? That alone is enough to listen to the dude. His style is definitely more my speed too (I'm a sucker for hats and layered sweaters). All around, first impressions are bueno for this dude. I'll definitely be looking into his music more.
So, my SOTW: Too Close, by Alex Clare.
{If you have time, the music video's pretty cool too. :) }
Too Close by Alex Clare on Grooveshark

Tuesday, May 8, 2012


My second blog is now up and running! Come follow me through the pre-op, operation, and post-op process...should be fun. :)

heavy cross {sotw}...

Wow, so I've missed about how many SOTW's now? Maybe I should try 'song of the month's instead. ;)
I originally heard this song on the Dior J'Adore commercial (side note: I'm trying to decide on which perfume to invest in {yes, they are an investment}. I love the smell of this one, but definitely not the price. Any suggestions??), and I immediately fell in love with the beat and rhythm -- it totally makes me want to get up and dance (I literally bop my head every time I listen to it). I'd never heard of the band before, but I'll be looking into them for sure.
My SOTW: Heavy Cross, by Gossip.
Heavy Cross by Gossip on Grooveshark

Saturday, May 5, 2012

movie review {the avengers}...

Yep, definitely a good movie. Not amazing, but overall really fun and much anticipated (the previews pretty much say it all). It's always good to see Mr. Downey at his best, plus a little man candy from the always good-looking Mr. Evans and Mr. Hemsworth -- and a new addition: the oh-so-attractive-at-41-years-old Mr. Renner (*sigh* very nice). I would see it again...if someone else is paying...or if it's a $5.50 showing. Overall, I give it 3.5/5 ironmen. :)

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

some things on my mind {pintrest}...

Even with school pretty much engulfing my entire existence -- which is the reason for my MIA status this past week and 1/2 -- my brain still finds time and energy to look at some inspiring things via Pintrest. Here are some things (beside school, duh) on my mind as of late...

...with my Sis being engaged -- I can't help but look at cute wedding ideas and photos, even though our tastes are POLAR opposites -- not a bad thing :) ...

Source: google.com via Lauren on Pinterest

 ...all of the delicious things I would make if only I had time (summer, Lauren. Summer.)...

...my favorite verse of all time and how I miss being involved in a growth group -- on top of my list of priories this summer/when I go to Monterey...

Source: etsy.com via Lauren on Pinterest

...getting more into arts and crafts -- a lovely hobby that I need to pick back up...

Source: amazon.com via Lauren on Pinterest

...and finally, stuff I'd like to get for my dorm in Monterey -- I'm probably thinking about this the majority of the time :)...
With school coming to a close, I hope to be more active in blogging and more extracurricular activities -- like reading. I miss reading SO much, it's ridiculous!
Many people are also asking me how I've been feeling about my surgery later this month. I've been trying to figure out how to update people without being too formal, then it hit me: blog! What an idea, haha.
I'll be starting another blog for whomever wants to follow along through the pre-op and post-op process, and I'll do my best to keep up with my usual sparse posts here. :)
See you around the web!